

Friday, October 3, 2008


Now Days, Everyone knows that pollution and climate crisis become big issues in human life.
But the people taking this also a news like political fights. But it is more sensitive matter.
It is not a problem of below poverty line people or middle class people. it is problem of every one of us.
Daily more than 1 lakh people taking treatments for sterility it's not their fate or heredity it's all because of pollution
Let me explain,
Pollution in air, water will leads some diseases. But Technological pollution in medicine, cosmetics will leads to sterility and cancer. Everyone knows that but nobody start to ignore this kind of things.
70 people can travel in bus. mostly two members are travel in a car.
In cities like chennai, two cars that means 4 members are disturbing the travel of 70 members.
this type of traffic jam leads to mental stress and ashtma.
Please people wake up and start to think about it. Lakhs of money in US bank cannot save us and our child from this type of disasters.
Still we cannot wait for the government to take steps. Either wake up the government or do something yourself to take care of you.
But be aware of the environment